Percentage of holdings based on cost of holding

I am loving the Navexa management tool you have provided. I have no regrets switching from the other one I was using.

This may already be available and I have not yet realised it, however, is is possible to have a report of the percentage of holdings based on the initial cost of the holding rather than the current exposure value?

We love having you on board!

That is an interesting feature idea! I don’t believe we currently have anything like this. (@Navarre correct me if I am wrong) Just to flesh it out a little bit more…

Would you be after something like the a diversification treemap, but instead of displaying current value, displaying cost base?

Or perhaps a table view, similar to our current holdings list?

Thanks for the reply. What I had in mind was the same layout as the Portfolio Diversification Report only using the value of the holding total purchase price.