Gmail Auto-Forward enabling

I see that we can forward our trade confirmations through to our own navexa specific email to have them automatically loaded into our portfolio, but what I’d really love to do is use a filter and rule in my gmail account to automate forwarding of these confirmations through so I don’t have to do it manually.
To configure a forwarding address in gmail, I need to validate the address with a PIN from gmail on first use. Do you think you could auto-forward the gmail Pin back to the Navexa users email address to allow them to activate the portfolio email as a forwarding address?

While the devs might be working to implement this, a couple workarounds are;
Google AppScripts
Chrome extension - Multi Forward for Gmail
Zapier or IFTTT integrations

Hi all, yes we will have a solution for this in the next few weeks.

Thanks @cplagz for the workaround suggestions in the meantime!

We are also happy to manually approve the gmail forwarding requests for now. Just shoot an email through to once you have set it up at your end.