Partly Paid Shares and Calls

So I’m finding I’m investing in more private equity or some managed investments and its quite common to have say $50K as the overall investment but they won’t want the money all up front but you may get say a $0.20 call up front and then several months later you get another $0.26 cent call and so it goes till you have all calls to make up the dollar.

My strategy in doing this is somewhat messy and I’m looking for a better idea (or perhaps a change?)

Currently I enter the first date with the quantity and the first $0.20 payment so in the worked example it will be $10,000 and lets say the first date is 1/3/22.

  • I enter in a BUY on 01/03/2022 of 50,000 units and the price is $0.20 or $10,000 in total

When I come to make the second (or any of the next payments I do the following… Lets say the date is 1/9/22 and the payment is $0.26 or $13,000 in total and I’m now paid to $0.46 cents or $23,000

  • I enter in a BUY on 01/09/2022 of 50,000 so the price is $0.26 and the price is $13,000. The total investment is now $23,000…
  • But the Quantity is doubled and Navexa thinks the price of the asset is now $0.26 not $0.46
  • To fix this I enter on 01/09/2022 a consolidation of 50,000 to correct the quantity
  • I then adjust the price to $0.46 cents as that is what the managed fund reports the asset as.
  • Because this is a manual fund I then adjust the price as reported from the investment manager.

So bottom line… is there a better way to do this? Thanks.